Code of Honor

Cold Iron Geeks is a publishing company working to bring forth the ultimate Tabletop Role-play Gaming experience. We strive to create consistent systems for TTRPGs, along with accompanying Novels that follow the worlds we create, allowing the community to follow along and build with us the entire way.We are founded by lifelong gamers and friends that have worked to get into a business with lofty goals and lessons learned the hard and honest way. Over the course of years we developed our skills and system to create something that we believe in, with the help of incredibly devoted fans that have given an unbelievable amount of their love and support to breath life into our dream. Please follow the journey that we take! We would love to have you in the Forge and around the table!

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The RPG Engine

The only Truly Freeform 3D VTT for all prebuilt or homebrew TTRPG

The Cantrip Cast

Welcome to The Cantrip Cast! Join us on our shenanigans full of nerd culture, Dungeons and Dragons and much more!

©2022 Cold Iron Geeks LLC All rights reserved.

Our Origins

The story of Orredon begins nearly a decade ago at the time of writing this, in a nerdy college club, as many great stories do. I went to visit the Dungeon Crawlers club in its first meeting my first semester there, and to my happy surprise, this club was so large, they had to co-op the largest lecture hall in the building; with over 150 members, they were the largest official club on campus. Needless to say, I was thrilled.Now at this time, I had a very specific character concept I wanted to play. Some super flashy, teleporting knife-throwing concept piece that I thought just sounded really cool. So I went around the different dungeon masters, and asked them if my character was possible to make in the system they were running. Now, bear in mind, this is before the current most popular tabletop’s latest edition launched, so people were actually playing other systems. A dozen different games, with both broad and niche appeal, some relatively new, some a couple decades old. And the answers to my question… weren't particularly satisfying. I got a lot of hums, and maybes, and sorta-kindas, or ‘yes if you multiclass into this then prestige class into that, but the barbarian is just gonna outclass you every step of the way anyway’ kind of answers. I got frustrated, and thought, ‘well why can’t I just play what I want? Why is it that complicated?’ Being in my very early 20s and classically, very stupid, I then thought to myself, screw it. I’ll make my own tabletop with blackjack and hookers. How hard could it be?Again, I want to reiterate, the ‘very stupid’ part here. I figured I had played half a dozen systems, I was a bright kid, I could figure out how to make a better system that let players actually play whatever they wanted, without being put on rails based on class, subclass, or other artificial nonsense rules. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.So, I spent the next 7 days mocking up the first iteration of my core rulebook. The next meeting was the GM’s Pitch Meeting, and session 0. So, having also never been a game master before, I took my little 6 page player's handbook, stood in front of that crowd of 150 people, and made my campaign pitch. If you played in my game, no matter what abilities you wanted, no matter what spells you wanted, I would find a way to make it happen. I would create the rules for it on the spot, so that you could play the power and character fantasy you had always wanted to. The one character burning in your mind that wasn’t possible in other systems because of their stringent limitations.I had about 20 people of the 150 come to me wanting to play in my game that day. I suppose I wasn’t alone in my desire to just… play what I wanted to play. And from that moment on, I have been surrounded by people that believed in that idea, that have wanted to help make the dream a reality. I hardly feel I deserve the kind of love and support I’ve gotten over the years. There’s been a lot of stress involved, and some drama, of course. But the overall experience has been an incredible journey. I’ve learned a lot, almost all of it from mistakes, trial, and error. From practically day one (day seven if you want to be precise and pedantic), this system has been hand crafted from the desires of the players. Dozens of people have touched it over the years and left their mark. I’ve always strived to create this hand-in-hand with the people that matter, the ones that will actually be playing it and enjoying it. “Alpha” testing has been, well, essentially the entire creation process. Every addition, deletion, and change has come from the hands of the players and other GM’s through the games that have been played in it, and have left me with many amazing stories to tell. I couldn’t be more grateful.So, that brings us to the present day. My amazing dev team apparently has lots of friends, who are also doing exciting things, and have decided to throw their lot in with me and work tirelessly to get this project off the ground to make their dreams come true with me. Even though their enthusiasm and tenacity has sent me screaming down a rollercoaster of fast paced advancement, I couldn’t be more grateful to them, for the tremendous amount of work that they have already done, and the work that we are going to do together in the months and years ahead. I’m not one to get into a rush about much, nor gamble at all, so without their push, this dream of mine would likely never have come to pass.I invite you to join us now, in this crazy push for a dream. To make and publish a TTRPG the likes of which has never been seen before. With infinite possibilities, limitless character design, and the freedom to be whoever you want. Equal home to hardcore roleplayers and wargame strategist, the causal player, the die hard marathoner, and dare I say it, even the Munchkin. Players will love the freedom to hand craft their stats, spells, and features into whatever they can possibly dream of, Game Masters will love the intuitive, flexible, actually accurate and functional combat challenge rating system, with the ability to modify or even make entirely new creations on the fly, built into the rules. A comprehensive deity system, complex enchanting and crafting mechanics, including weapons, armor, alchemy, legendary artifacts, and much more.I’ve worked for nearly 10 years to make my vision of a perfect tabletop RPG. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, because you, the players, helped make it what it is. It was made for you, by you, every step of the way.

©2022 Cold Iron Geeks LLC All rights reserved.